World premier! Full SiC multi-level 3ph inverter

World premier! Full SiC multi-level 3ph inverter


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ARCEL design and realize a multilevel SiC inverter in the context of an R&D project. The main goal is to test the actual power electronic limits to prevent the issues of tomorrow.

The technical features are:

-          7 level topologies

-          NPC

-          Bus DC 7000v

-          Full SiC semi-conductor

-          Power: 200Kw

-          Decoupling frequency: 100kHz


The multilevel topology allow the uses of SiC 1700V component available on market. This assembly also make possible to obtain better performance at low current.

One of our challenges was the equilibrium of the tension as well as the simultaneity of the order’s diffusion. The optical fiber used in this application is developed by ARCEL and placed on Power Integration’s heart.

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